April 7, 2013


After yesterday's reflection on applying discipline from other areas of your life to health and fitness goals, today is all about consciousness and accountability. My challenge for the day is to make conscious decisions about everything I put in my mouth, and to log every one of those things on MyFitnessPal. Tracking has been a problem for me in the past, as it's far too easy to just eat something "bad" (or outside of the plan) and decide not to write it down, as if that somehow erases the fact that it occurred. Today I am trying my hardest to be accountable to myself and my health, and to stop lying to myself about what I've eaten. Yes, if I screw up it's going to look bad, but the only way I can change my eating habits is by being honest with myself about them.

Part of today's challenge involves sitting with the feelings of wanting to eat, and finding ways around them. Eating has become a habit for me. I do it when I'm bored and there's nothing else to do, I do it when I'm at the computer, I do it when I'm playing video games. I just eat, all the time, for no good reason. So today, when my brain is like, "Hey, you know what would be great right now? Some food." I'm trying to sit with that thought and talk it down. "You know what, I'm not actually hungry right now, I just want food for some unrelated reason. Let's do something else..." It has been hard so far, and it's only 2:00pm. However, my goal is to just get through this one day at a time, and slowly make that the habit, rather than mindless eating.

My Guzzler O' Water is helping, too. :)


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