May 5, 2013

Starting Up The Engine

I recently made a commitment to do the Couch to 5k program with a friend. That will be interesting, I've never really had an accountability buddy before. I'm hoping it will help us both, and we'll be on our way to being happier, healthier people. In the past couple of weeks though, I've been getting antsy to do some exercise. I almost started without her, but this morning I decided I'd just hit my apartment gym while my laundry was happening. Knocked out a quick treadmill warm-up, and some strength training with the dumbbells (and logged it into Fitocracy). Sexy, healthy body - here I come! 

Right this second, I'm struggling with a food craving, and figured what better way to deal with it than to blog about it! My lovely fiancĂ© and I were preparing dinner, and I got to thinking I could have a snack while it cooked since I was hungry. STOP! Yeah, I'm a little bit peckish but nowhere near full-on hunger. I don't actually need to have a snack, dinner will be ready in an hour. Part of me wants to eat simply because I was thinking about food as it was being prepared, and that's all kinds of messed up. I managed to put a halt on that, and am now sitting here, blogging and chugging away at my water-filled Guzzler. 

A whole slew of healthy decisions today! Way to go, me. :) 


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